850 sulphur outgassing from cardboard boxes results

Electronics Forum: sulphur outgassing from cardboard boxes (2)

Immersion Silver - Sulphur

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 23 14:32:42 EST 2003 | davef

Sources of sulphur in PCB fabrication are: * Some locales have high H2S concentrations in the air. * Metal etching steps that use sulfuric acid or a sulfonated buffering compound may result in sulfate residues. * Sulfates can come from contact with

Silver Sulphide Contamination of Resistors

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 23 10:24:24 EST 2001 | johnthor

We still build a legacy product with a primitive backplane using silver plated fork terminals for outside world connections. After some 20 years of no problems the fork terminals on raw stock PCBs were black and almost unsolderable. Because of the


Express Newsletter: sulphur outgassing from cardboard boxes (848)

Tin Whiskering on PCBA Capacitors in Storage (Inside ESD Bag, Inside a Sealed Cardboard Box)

Tin Whiskering on PCBA Capacitors in Storage (Inside ESD Bag, Inside a Sealed Cardboard Box) Tin Whiskering on PCBA Capacitors in Storage (Inside ESD Bag, Inside a Sealed Cardboard Box) The tin whisker failures investigated in this paper were


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